Sunday, May 17, 2009

The end of JJ Abrams week

So Lost had it's finale this week. Star Trek came out last weekend. Two absolutely amazing events.

Let's start with Lost. The show had its best opening since Jack awoke in the forest following the plane crash. The Black Rock, the statue, Jacob and... well, whoever he was. It ends with Sayid and Juliet seemingly dying, Locke not being Locke and finally finding out what lies in the shadow of the statue. Oh, and an H-bomb detonation. I've stopped with theorizing about the show and am just enjoying the ride.

Lost remains television's grandest experiment. When they decided to put an end date on the show two seasons ago, the writing improved and every episode gives the story momentum. Many other serial television shows would have benefited from similar decisions (I'm looking in your general direction, X-Files). ABC should be commended for both taking schedule chances and seeing them pay off.

As for Star Trek, it seems like every year there is a successful franchise reboot and this is it for 2009. Abrams Star Trek is the first to combine 'thrilling' and 'fun' into the same Star Trek movie. Every actor manages to capture the original without doing an impression of them. Better yet, it's one I can see my almost seven-year-old handling. If it's not the best movie of the summer, it'll have to be in the top three.

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